Hello! :D
I've only been blogging for two days and I got nominated for the Liebstar Award by Beth and Savanna from Don't Diss Disney. I want to thank you guys for doing this and I really appreciate it! :)
Be sure to check out their AWESOME blog, where they post everything Disney! :)
*Thank the blogger or bloggers who nominated you.
*Answer the 11 questions asked.
*Nominate 3 other blogs with less than 200 followers.
*Ask them 11 new questions.
Let's move on with the questions the amazing/fantasical/awesome Beth and Savanna asked!
What's the one book you'd recommend to everyone?
The one book I'd recommend to everyone? Well, this is pretty cliched, but Harry Potter by J.K Rowling. Harry Potter is the book that got me into reading and I'm really glad I read it. If you haven't already read this amazing series, do so as soon as you can!
2. If you could wear any fictional character's clothes, who's would you wear and why?
Thalia Grace from the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series. I really like Thalia's style and quite frankly, that type of clothing freaks my mom out XD But it's mostly because I like black leather jackets. Don't even ask :P
3. What is the weirdest book you've read?
The weirdest book I've read? I can't guarantee that the book's weird, but: Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret, which I believe is written by Judy Blume. It's supposed to be talking about the struggles of a tween girl named Margaret as she goes through puberty and life and everything, but it's just weird. She and a group of friends were looking at the male anatomy together because they were curious. Margaret also stuffed tissue paper in her dress to make her breasts look larger... And, yeah... It also talks a bit about one of her 12 year old classmates having sex with an older guy and how their male teacher has a crush on that classmate?? O__O And Margaret and her three friends also anticipated their period, which is strange, to me. Margaret prayed to God once because her three friends got their period already and she didn't and she thought she thought there was something wrong with her. Weird... There's also a few other things that I won't mention...
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is sort of tied, though. I stopped halfway through the book because... no.
4. What's your most hated hyped book ever?
I personally think that the hype around the release of a new book ruins it, so I've strayed away from the new releases that have a lot of negative reviews circulating it. So, I don't really have an answer for this, though. If I did have an answer, I think it'd be The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer even though I haven't read it yet. I've been meaning to, but I sort of got disinterested after seeing all the bad reviews on it.
5. Do you ever connect songs to books and if so, what are some examples?
I know I do this a lot, but I just can't seem to remember them right now. I do remember two, though.
I compared Forever & Always, by Parachute, to The Fault in Our Stars. If you've read the book/seen the movie and heard the song, you'd know why.
I compared Say Something, by A Great Big World, to If I Stay, though it wasn't because of the trailer.
6. Would you rather become a professional book reviewer or author?
Author, of course. I've been an aspiring writer for a while now.
7. What is the next book release you are most anticipating?
To be honest, I don't know. All the book releases I've been anticipating this year have already came out and I haven't been keeping up with books in the past month or so. I've been a little caught up in writing. :)
8. Which series would you choose to continue and what would you write the next book about?
The Hunger Games. [A few spoilers if you haven't read Mockingjay] I would write the next book about what happened after the Capitol was destroyed and the family Katniss and Peeta has. That sort of stuff. :)
9. What would you last longer without, books or reading? How long would you last?
Reading, I think. I don't know why xD I think I would maybe last a month or two. I'd find myself immersed in something else despite my passion for books and the infinite adventures I can find in them without even leaving my seat.
10. What would you say is you're favourite soundtrack to a movie or musical?
The Les Miserables soundtrack. <3 I love Les Miserables, though I haven't read the book.
11. If you could bring any deceased fictional character back to life, who would you resurrect and why?
I don't really want to answer this question because I'm afraid I'll spoil someone DX With that being said, MOCKINGJAY SPOILERS AHEAD!
(Primrose Everdeen)
She's just so innocent and sweet. I also feel really bad for Katniss because she lost so much and even though the Hunger Games was teaching its reader that the world was unfair, I still feel like Primrose shouldn't have died. Prim was my favorite character, which was a bit cliched, I admit.
*Caitlyn from In This Twisted World
*Christine from Bibliophilic Madness
*Nastasha from Nastasha's Little World
1. What got you into blogging? Your inspirations?
2. What's your favorite hobby and why?
3. If you could be able to play any instrument in the world, what would it be?
4. What book character would you want as your best friend?
5. What's the weirdest thing you've ever done as a child?
6. What is a positive personality trait that you're most proud of? What's a negative personality trait that you're most ashamed of?
7. Do you believe in alien life?
8. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
9. Is it okay to lie in certain circumstances?
10. Have you ever lied about your age? Why?
11. What are three things you can't live without?
Thanksss! :) :)